Cyber Crimes

Cybercrime is any crime that takes place online or primarily online by criminals to execute fraud and other crimes against companies, consumers and other individuals. Cybercriminals often commit crimes by targeting computer networks or devices. Cybercrime can range from security breaches to identity theft. With The increase in the internet usage over the last decade specially after demonetization has resulted in increasing cyber crimes and cases of online cheating. It can be quite confusing for a cyber crime victim to understand how to deal with the same and what are the steps to register a cyber crime. Women and children have been found to be most vulnerable  in the online world with Cyber Crimes against women, children witnessing a sharp rise over the last couple of years. Women are often subjected to cyber crimes such as cyber harassment, online stalking, cyber pornography, cyber defamation,matrimonial frauds and much more. Apart from these, online financial frauds have also become an everyday occurrence. Each day, thousands of innocent individuals fall prey to online banking and credit/debit card frauds.
The following Steps shall tell you How to file a Cyber Crime complaint in India in few simple steps.
  1. The first step to file a cyber crime complaint is to register a written complaint with the cyber crime cell of the city are currently in. In order to report cyber crime the Ministry o Affairs has launched a centralised portal for registering such complaint Digitally which in turn would referred to the concerned area/jurisdiction/Local Cyber Cell.
  2. When filing the cyber crime complaint, you need to provide your name, contact details, and address for mailing.You need to address the written complaint to the Head of the Cyber Crime Cellof the city where you are filing the cyber crime complaint.
  3. In case you are a victim of online harassment, a legal counsel can be approached to assist you with reporting it to the police station. Additionally, you may be asked to provide certain documents with the complaint. This would, however, depend on the nature of the crime.
  4. Register a Cyber Crime FIR:If you do not have access to any of the cyber cells in India, you can file a First Information Report (FIR) at the local police station. In case your complaint is not accepted there, you can approach the Commissioner or the city’s Judicial Magistrate.
  5. Certain cyber crimeoffenses come under the Indian Penal Code. You can register a cyber crime FIR at the nearest local police station to report them.

How to protect yourself against Cyber Crime


The basics of “cyber hygiene,” easy and common-sense ways to protect yourself online.   

Here are the  4 things you can do:  

  • Implement multi-factor authentication on your accounts and make it 99% less likely you’ll get hacked. 
  • Update your software. In fact, turn on automatic updates.  
  • Think before you click. More than 90% of successful cyber-attacks start with a phishing email.  
  • Use strong passwords, and ideally a password manager to generate and store unique passwords. 

And for further query or assistance, you may contact us at contact [email protected] as JKM Global deals with these Complaint and have vast knowledge and experience in handling these cases deftly